How to Use FitMi to Overcome Paralysis (Plus a Success Story)

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If you’re trying to overcome stroke paralysis, we have an inspiring success story to share with you. A stroke survivor named Ron was able to move his arm for the first time ever after just 3 weeks of using FitMi home therapy.

Not many people understand how they can use FitMi to overcome paralysis, and today we’re explaining the steps. Below you’ll discover Ron’s success story and how you can recover from paralysis just like him.

Stroke Survivor Finally Moves His Arm After Grappling with Paralysis

Here is the story of Ron’s recovery as told by his caregiver and wife, Lisa Wilson:

“My husband suffered a stroke caused by a dissecting carotid artery in late May of this year. He lost 40% of his left hemisphere of his brain causing right side paralysis. His speech was slightly impaired but thankfully Drs believe he is a rare left-handed person with speech located in right hemisphere of his brain!

Ron was in ICU for a week, followed by a rehab hospital for five more weeks. He came home and has done outpatient therapy three days a week since.

About three weeks ago I ordered the FitMi and just this past week he moved his arm for the very first time!!! He and I both think the repetitive movement of the arm has given his brain the signal that it’s there and ready to move!!!

He will continue with both the FitMi and his other therapies for as long as it takes to fully recover!!!” 

stroke survivor using FitMi to recover from paralysis at home

Ron was able to regain movement in his paralyzed arm by using FitMi to accomplish passive exercise.

Passive exercise is key to overcoming stroke paralysis. We’ll explain how to exercise passively next. But first we need to cover a critical concept that makes the whole thing work.

Paralysis Recovery Is All About Healing the Brain

In order to regain movement after neurological injury, you need to reconnect your mind to your muscles. This is possible through neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is your brain’s built-in mechanism for rewiring itself. After a stroke, brain injury, or spinal cord injury, neuroplasticity allows the healthy parts of your brain to take over lost functions, resulting in movement.

The brain responds to stimulation, so the more you practice a skill, the stronger the neural connections become. Neuroplasticity is activated in proportion to how much you practice something.

To regain movement in paralyzed muscles, you need to move those muscles repetitively. This brings up a few questions, like how can you move muscles that are paralyzed? And how much repetition is enough?

Let’s dig into the details.

How to Exercise Paralyzed Muscles

Rehabilitating paralyzed limbs starts with passive exercise.

Passive exercise simply means that you move the paralyzed muscles through the joint’s full range of motion. You can do this by using your non-affected side to assist your affected side. For example, if you’re trying to regain movement in a paralyzed arm, you would move it with your non-affected arm.

Although you aren’t technically initiating the movement by yourself, your brain still receives stimulation which sparks the rewiring process. With enough passive exercise, it is possible to regain some small movements in your paralyzed muscles just like Ron.

The benefit of using tools like FitMi (instead of following along some prescribed exercises) is that FitMi tracks your progress and motivates you to perform more repetitions. On average, FitMi motivates patients to achieve 400+ repetitions per session, which is 12 times more than the average outpatient therapy visit.

The reviews speak for themselves.

Hard Work Leads to Recovery

If you want to regain movement after paralysis, you will need to move your affected muscles through passive rehab exercises repetitively.

The more repetitions you perform, the more your brain will start to rewire itself and reconnect your mind to its muscles. In time, you might see twitches or other early signs of movement coming back. Use that as a green light to keep going.

If you’re interested in trying FitMi, you can learn more about it here »

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Get Inspired with This Stroke Survivor Story

Mom gets better every day!

“When my 84-year-old Mom had a stoke on May 2, the right side of her body was rendered useless. In the past six months, she has been blessed with a supportive medical team, therapy team, and family team that has worked together to gain remarkable results.

While she still struggles with her right side, she can walk (with assistance) and is beginning to get her right arm and hand more functional. We invested in the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle for her at the beginning of August.

She lights up when we bring it out and enjoys using it for about 20 to 30 minutes at a time. While she still doesn’t have enough strength to perform some of the exercises, she rocks the ones she can do! Thanks for creating such powerful tools to help those of us caring for stroke patients. What you do really matters!”

-David H.

FitMi is a neurorehab device that you can use from the comfort of home. It works by motivating you to accomplish high repetition of therapeutic exercises.

As you work through the program, you’ll unlock more difficult exercises when you’re ready. It’s like having a virtual therapist available anytime you need it.

See how quickly Sudhir was able to notice improvements:

Saw results within a few days

“I bought FitMi about a month and a half ago. Quite impressed with the range of exercises for hand, arm, leg and foot. I suffered a stroke about 2 years ago which paralyzed my right side. I do walk now with a cane or walker, but my right hand curls up and my right arm is also weak. Within a few days of trying it out, I could note a distinct improvement in stamina before tiring. So, I am looking forward to continued improvement.”


Not only is FitMi approved by survivors, but it’s also approved by therapists, too. FitMi is used in some of the top clinics in the world, including the Shirley Ryan Ability Lab, the #1 ranked rehab hospital in America. Plus, two PTs on YouTube with over 3 million subscribers (you may know them as Bob & Brad) gave FitMi the thumbs up, too.

To learn more about this motion-sensing, game-changing recovery tool, click the button below: