How to Use FitMi to Overcome Paralysis (Plus a Success Story)
If you’re trying to overcome stroke paralysis, we have an inspiring success story to share with you. A stroke survivor named Ron was able to
If you’re trying to overcome stroke paralysis, we have an inspiring success story to share with you. A stroke survivor named Ron was able to
If you are looking for some natural ways to recover from foot drop, we have some ideas for you to try. This article provides ways to
After a stroke, survivors may start to actively lean towards the affected side of their body. This is a condition known as pusher syndrome, formally
Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is a technique focused on enhancing the use of affected limbs following a neurological injury, such as a stroke or cerebral
Transcortical motor aphasia is a type of language disorder that can be present following a stroke or other neurological injury. Transcortical motor aphasia makes it
Global aphasia is the most severe type of aphasia caused by extensive damage to the areas of the brain associated with language. Although global aphasia
Hemiplegia results from a neurologic condition that includes damaged brain cells on one side of the brain. Medical conditions that damage the nervous system such
When individuals have trouble producing speech after stroke, they may be recommended to pursue expressive aphasia treatment. Expressive aphasia, also known as Broca’s aphasia, is
Aphasia is a communication disorder that involves a loss of ability to understand or express speech after neurological injury. There are many types of aphasia,
Mixed transcortical aphasia is a severe form of aphasia that causes an inability to speak or understand others. It is similar to global aphasia in that it
Take the first step towards recovery.